July 3, 2024

Within the to begin with of two Sky Blue birthdays nowadays the Affiliation would like to send its exceptionally best wishes nowadays to our top choice Bosnian, previous Sky Blue colossus (and CCFPA part) Muhamed ‘Big Mo’ Konjic who is celebrating his 54th birthday nowadays! It was truly a torment that he made the exertion to come over to our unique Legends Day 2018 six a long time prior as it were for it to be frosted off, earlier commitments ceased him from coming to Legends Day 19 and since. We certainly trust he can come over for another season’s occasion!

Enormous Moment at Legends Day 2007

In any case he did make it over in May 2023 to connect us at Wembley for the Sky Blues Championship play-off last overcome against Luton Town.

Born in Tuzla, Bosnia on 14th May 1970, the 6’3″ ‘brave heart’ not as it were fought for his nation within the Balkans fire, but captained his nation in football and was so extreme he once, supposedly, played on with two broken arms.

Moment & CCFPA’s Mike Youthful at Wembley 2023

Sky Blues gaffer (and now individual CCFPA part) Gordon Strachan marked the towering centre-back to create his make a big appearance in February 1999 in a 0-0 draw at Tottenham Hotspur. Rapidly getting to be a fans’ top choice for his no-nonsense approach and surging runs from the back, Enormous ‘Mo’ made 155 first-team appearances for the Sky Blues, scoring four objectives, some time recently being sold by (presently too fellow CCFPA part) Diminish Reid within the summer of 2004.

Numerous will moreover keep in mind ‘Big Mo’s passionate return to Highfield Street in 2005 as the Sky Blues played their last diversion at their ancient stadium whipping Konjic’s modern side Derby District 6-2. Moment was in any case given a standing applause by the Highfield Street loyal some time recently his group were demolished by a side overseen by previous player additionally ( presently a individual CCFPA part) Micky Adams.

Mo at the Sky Blue Shop Walk 2018

‘Big Mo’ did come to our exceptionally to begin with Legends Day in 2007 and you’ll observe CCFPA Chairman Jim Brown and ‘Big Mo’ being met at that important inaugural occasion underneath:



Have a incredible Birthday celebration nowadays, ‘Big Mo’!

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May 14, 2024 · Labeled with

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Captcha *Coventry City FC - 🎂: Happy Birthday to 'Big' Mo Konjic! The former Sky  Blues defender is 50 today! (155 games, 4 goals. 1999-2004) #PUSB | Facebook

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