July 2, 2024

Northumbria Police have confirmed a total of eight people have been arrested following incidents related to the Wear Tyne derby in the North East.
Saturday’s match between Sunderland AFC and Newcastle United was the first meeting between the two clubs since 2016, with police warning of “stern action” against troublemakers.
Ads Hide Ads A packed Stadium of Light welcomed both clubs in his FA Cup third round, and there were also numerous fan zones in the North East.
A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: “Five men were arrested near the Stadium of Light for offenses including possession of controlled substances, drunkenness and obscene singing during police operations in the run-up to Saturday’s Wear Tyne derby match.
‘A further three men were arrested on charges including common assault, drunkenness and disorderly conduct as part of a wider police operation in Sunderland, Newcastle and Gateshead city centres.
“The vast majority of home and away fans behaved in a respectful and appropriate manner and the event passed largely without incident.
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“Everyone involved in this hugely successful event, including both supporter groups, both clubs, community partners, officers who supported us from other forces and of course our own officers, staff and volunteers.
“We will continue to review further reports from and take proactive action as appropriate to determine whether further crimes have occurred.
” “If you have any further information or would like to make a report, please contact us on 101 or on the Reports page of our website, quoting log number NP-20240106-0191.


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