July 3, 2024

NEWS UPDATE:The timing of Celtic statement will be telling as wheels come off the

Timing is everything in Scottish football. Particularly when it comes to Explanation O’Clock.\Read more

It’s gotten to be one of the running jokes in our diversion. https://imolesport.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/0_JS319176018-1.webpWhen to highlight great news – and when to bury the awful as much as conceivable. For a long time, Officers were aces at sneaking out stuff at silly times. Yearly accounts that studied like Stephen Lord books were discharged to as small fan passage as conceivable at 10pm on Friday evenings. Aberdeen at one point sent out an mail with their financials at almost four within the morning, trusting no one would take note when they woke up.The timing of Celtic statement will be telling as wheels come off the wagon  - Michael Gannon - Daily Record

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But Celtic attempted a novel approach final year. They attempted to bury Great news. It was another one of these unusual minutes in a season where they are overseeing to clock up a great few. The exchange window had not long closed and Celtic were going into their Champions Association clash with Feyenoord in Holland. Rodgers was doing his pre-match press conference and the chat was European points, hit recollections approximately the 1970 last between the match and a bit of chat almost the summer commerce.


5 earnest Celtic camp thunders that Officers will see as gloats as Philippe Forbearing looks out the blu tackdailyrecord
Celtic chief Brendan Rodgers
Celtic believe is the core of Brendan Rodgers issues but fans must be told why trouble flag was disregarded – Keith Jacksondailyrecord
The director had scarcely cleared out the media room when the yearly accounts dropped. The numbers were past noteworthy. Here was a Scottish club with more than £70m within the bank at a time for most when cash was more tightly than a dash players vest. However Celtic were endeavoring to sneak it out beneath the radar. The director couldn’t be tested approximately it and no one in a Celtic suit was up for talking past the site explanation – which has been the case for around two a long time.

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The huge address was why? Why the got to stow away the leading figure a Scottish side has ever posted? We all know why. Since the another address was why do the club got to be sitting on all that dosh. And the Parkhead chiefs knew it was well. Subsequently the mystery.

It’ll be curiously this week with Celtic’s half-yearly sums due out any day presently. When they get discharged into the wild will be interesting. If you are a wagering man, possibly at half-time at Hibs on Wednesday on the off chance that the Hoops are ahead. Maybe it’ll be within the ancient Officers Friday 10pm opening. Go out of the Scottish Container to St Mirren and they seem show up at half 3 on Monday morning.

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There were a few exceptional exchange expenses and compensation to be paid out amid that time but unless they’ve been quietly doing a ton of DIY around Celtic Stop and Lennoxtown, there ought to still be a right whack of cash in the coffers. And that’s why the timing of the rise will be telling. Celtic fans need to know why their cash isn’t being went through.

Since that’s how they see it. Celtic made plenty from Europe and player deals, but the tremendous larger part of their incomings come from the pockets of the punters. Selling out season tickets, snapping up Champions Alliance briefs, buying the endless strips discharged, indeed the ones that see like they’ve been designed by nursery kids after a sugar surge.

Celtic fans get called entitled by rivals, and even by some inside the club, but that’s why they feel entitled. What happened to reinvesting each penny back on to the pitch? Listen, financially, Celtic are one of the finest run clubs within the world. Great luckiness finding any side on the planet with dosh within the bank and the player exchanging show has worked a treat.

However there are signs the wheels have come off the wagon within the past 18 months. Future sealing against not making the Champions Association is like saying there’s no point in settling the roof since you might require the dosh for slates in case there’s a storm.



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