July 5, 2024

The 35-year-old, who endured a back damage against Kilmarnock on 5 May, does not have a settled timeline for his return.

Presently, a plausibility has risen of the Nigeria worldwide not returning once more some time recently the conclusion of the season.

Talking about his circumstance only with Ibrox News, Brar, a specialist in physical treatment and a sports researcher, said:

“The best case here would be a mellow back damage and he reacts well to treatment and preparing, not lost any diversions.

“However, given the manager’s comments, it’s reasonable to run the show him out of the following one at slightest.

“The most exceedingly bad case would be a back damage that’s , his nerves bothering him and these can be longer-term.

“There does stay a plausibility of him not returning this season.“

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Officers may be constrained to create practical Leon Balogun choice
Given Balogun’s age and the truth that his contract with Gers is set to run out within the summer, there’s a noteworthy plausibility that he may never play for the club once more.

At 35 a long time ancient, the Nigerian is drawing closer the sundown of his career, and the combination of his age and the conclusion of his current contract implies that the club may want more youthful players or see to contribute in unused ability.

Moreover, Balogun’s later harm difficulty, with a potential long-term issue with his back, may moreover affect his chances of returning to the pitch for Officers.

The club may be hesitant to resume his contract beneath these circumstances, particularly in the event that they are looking to modify or revive their squad for the up and coming season.

Officers protector Leon Balogun
Leon Balogun has awed as of late for Rangers
It would too make sense to induce him off the finance on the off chance that he will experience assist harm issues and maybe see to bring in a new centre-back over the summer.

In other Officers news, a European club may presently be prepared to splash millions on a first-team Gers player after their later declaration.

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